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What Will Happen When Jollibee Meets Captain Shakeys? A Great Showdown!

What Will Happen When Jollibee Meets Captain Shakeys? A Great Showdown! (c)
What do you think and What do you expect to happen when Jollibee meets Captain Shakeys?

Hmm, that's going to be an interesting question. Some answers are running into my mind like since it's Christmas time they're going to have exchange meal. Oh, I'm not sure how they're going to eat that. But, perhaps an unexpected showdown might happen.

Yes, showdown! As you may all knew that Jollibee is already breaking the dance floor several times and most of the time with his friends. This interests me a lot. Do you think the muscles of Captain Shakeys can keep up with him?

Well, not until you see this video. Jollibee and Captain Shakeys entertained their customers by battling with their knee breaking dance moves.

You've got to watch this. However, you may just ignore the later part of the video as there were some kind of epals. Wink!

So, who do you think is the winner? I couldn't say it rather so let us know your bet in the comment box below!

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