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PSY's Gangnam Style Breaks Youtube Viewing Technology

PSY's Gangnam Style Breaks Youtube Viewing Technology (c)
PSY's "Gangnam Style" has created a history in the Guinness World record by breaking the Youtube's viewing technology.

The South Korean pop star's hit video that was released in 2012 has gained tremendous amount of views. Even the number one video streaming site (Youtube) were it was uploaded has forced them to upgrade its latest viewing technology.
"We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY. "Gangnam Style" has been viewed so many times we had to upgrade to a 64-bit integer (9,223,372,036,854,775,808)!", stated on Google's blog page.

Hovering over the counter in PSY's video will let you see a magic of positive and negative spinning numbers.

You can also see in the image below which has a huge amount of 2, 155, 016, 530 number of views from the moment of writing.

photo cropped from youtube

What should we expect after PSY breaks that historic record? Well, maybe we should stay tuned and see if PSY or someone else can break again the said newly upgraded technology in a year or so.

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