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Watch: This Mom Sings Whenever Her Baby Wakes Up. What Happens Next is Magic!

Watch: This Mom Sings Whenever Her Baby Wakes Up. What Happens Next is Magic! (c) kembirly.henderson96
A mother's gentle and sweet lullabies is the most effective way sending us to sleep when we are young.

In the following video, a mom sings to her baby girl whenever she wake up. When she started singing, she just filled the room with her amazing and powerful voice. Within a span of two and a half minutes her baby was sent back to sleep.

Her video has already garnered 9.4 Million views on Facebook. There were negative and ample of positive comments about her voice. The following quote is her response to all of that.
You all our amazing!! Reading your comments and I am literally in tears!! I had no idea uploading this video of a moment between my daughter and I would touch so many people! As far as the negative comments they do not phase me. If anyone knows me personally they know I have overcome alot in my life and I am a pretty strong person. The "lip syncing" comments I happen to scroll past... well all I can say is I will take that compliment! haha. But just think about it.. If I really was going to go through the trouble of lip syncing a pre recorded track I would have least put some makeup on and brushed my hair haha and definitely angled the camera to attract the more attractive parts of me and not my nostrils. I love you all.. you're beautiful!

Watch her amazing and listen to her powerful voice.

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